Familia Testudinidae


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  • Bour, R. 1984c. Taxonomy, history, and geography of Seychelles land tortoises and fresh-water turtles. In: D. R. Stoddart (ed.), Biogeography and Ecology of the Seychelles Islands, pp. 281-307. W. Junk, The Hague.
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  • Williams, E. E. 1950b. Testudo cubensis and the evolution of Western Hemisphere tortoises. Bull. Amer. Mus. Natur. Hist. 95: 1-36.
  • Williams, E. E. 1952. A new fossil tortoise from Mona Island, West Indies, and a tentative arrangement of the tortoises of the world. Bull. Amer. Mus. Natur. Hist. 99: 541-560.