Familia Chelidae


  • Anonymous. 1991. Decision of the Committee. Three works by Richard W. Wells and C. Ross Wellington: proposed suppression for nomenclatural purposes. Bull. Zool. Nomencl. 48: 337-338.
  • Bonaparte, C. L. J. L. 1836. Cheloniorum tabula analytica. Rome.
  • Cogger, H. G. 1992. Reptiles & Amphibians of Australia. Cornell Univ. Press, Ithaca New York. 775 pp.
  • David, P. 1994. Liste des reptiles actuels du monde. I. Chelonii. Dumerilia 1: 7-127.
  • De Broin, F. 1988. Les Tortues et le Gondwana. Examen des rapports entre le fractionnement du Gondwana et la dispersion geographaique des tortues pleurodires a partir du Cretace. Stud. Geol. Salmanticensia, Stud. Palaeocheloniologica. Spl. Vol. 2(2): 103-142.
  • De Broin, F. 1993. Les Tortues fossiles d'Argentine: premiere synthese. Doc. Lab. Geol. Lyon 125: 73-84.
  • Gaffney, E. S. 1977. The sidenecked turtle family Chelidae: a theory of relationships using shared derived characters. Amer. Mus. Novitates (2620): 1-28.
  • Gaffney, E. S. 1979a. Fossil chelid turtles of Australia. Amer. Mus. Novitates (2681): 1-23.
  • Georges, A., and M. Adams. 1996. Electrophoretic delineation of species boundaries within the short-necked freshwater turtles of Australia (Testudines: Chelidae). Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 118: 241-260.
  • Gray, J. E. 1831b. Synopsis Reptilium or short descriptions of the species of reptiles. Part 1. Cataphracta, tortoises, crocodiles, and enaliosaurians. London. 85 pp.
  • Gray, J. E. 1844. Catalogue of the tortoises, crocodiles, and amphisbaenians in the Collection of the British Museum. London, 80 pp.
  • Legler, J. M. 1993. General description and definition of the order Chelonia. In: C. J. Glasby, G. J. B. Ross, and P. L. Beesley (eds.), Fauna of Australia. Vol. 2A Amphibia & Reptilia, pp. 104-107. Australian Government Printing Service, Canberra.
  • Legler, J. M., and A. Georges. 1993. Family Chelidae. In: C. J. Glasby, G. J. B. Ross, and P. L. Beesley (eds.), Fauna of Australia. Vol. 2A Amphibia & Reptilia, pp. 142-152. Australian Government Printing Service, Canberra.
  • Wells, R. W., and C. R. Wellington. 1984. A synopsis of the class Reptilia in Australia. Australian J. Herpetol. 1: 73-129.
  • Wells, R. W., and C. R. Wellington. 1985. A classification of the Amphibia and Reptilia of Australia. Australian J. Herpetol. 1: 73-129.