Genus Hieremys

Smith, 1916
Yellow-headed temple turtles

This is a monotypic batagurine genus; the sole species is Hieremys annandalii, the yellow-headed temple turtle.

Williams (in Loveridge and Williams, 1957) reported Hieremys to be closely allied to Geoemyda (=Heosemys) on the basis of the absence of squamosal bones in the skull; the presence of posterolaterally shortened, hexagonal neurals; reduced plastral buttresses; transection of the entoplastron by the humero-pectoral seam; and only two phalanges in the fifth digit. However, McDowell (1964) thought it more closely related to Kachuga and other members of his Batagur complex than to any member of his Geoemyda complex. Its large orbito-nasal foramen; small posterior palatine foramen; triturating shelf on the vomer, which conceals the incisive foramen from below; long angular bone; the extension of the lower triturating surface to behind the mandibular symphysis; and the moundlike swelling along the inner border of the upper triturating surface are all more indicative of Kachuga, Batagur, and Callagur than of members of McDowell's Geoemyda complex.