Adanson's mud turtle
African dwarf mud turtle
African forest turtle
African helmeted and mud turtles
African helmeted turtle
African hinged terrapins
African keeled mud turtle
African pancake tortoise
African serrated star tortoise
African softshell turtle
African softshell turtles
African spurred tortoise
African tent tortoise
Afro-American side-necked turtles
Alabama map turtle
Alabama red-bellied turtle
Alamos mud turtle
Albert Nile mud turtle
Aldabra giant tortoise
Alligator snapping turtle
Alligator snapping turtles
Amazon mud turtle
Amazon toad-headed side-necked turtle
Amazon toad-headed turtle
Amboina box turtle
American mud and musk turtles
American mud turtles
American musk turtles
American red-bellied turtle
Anamurum spur-thighed tortoise
Angulated tortoise
Annam leaf turtle
Arakan forest turtle
Araxes spur-thighed tortoise
Areolated Tortoise
Argentine snake-necked turtle
Arizona mud turtle
Arnold's giant tortoise
Arrau river turtle
Asia Minor spur-thighed tortoise
Asian box turtles
Asian forest tortoise
Asian giant softshell turtles
Asian leaf turtle
Asian leaf turtles
Asian tortoises
Asian yellow pond turtle
Asiatic softshell turtle
Asiatic softshell turtles
Assam roofed turtle
Atlantic green turtle
Atlantic hawksbill turtle
Atlantic leatherback turtle
Atlantic ridley turtle
Aubry's flapshell turtle
Australian big-headed side-necked turtle
Australian big-headed turtle
Australian short-necked turtles
Australian snapping turtles