Mauremys mutica


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  • Hofstra, J. 1995. Kweken met de moerasschildpad, Mauremys mutica. Lacerta 53(6): 187-191.
  • Iverson, J. B., and W. P. McCord. 1994. Variation in East Asian turtles of the genus Mauremys (Bataguridae; Testudines). J. Herpetol. 28(2): 178-187.
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  • Yasukawa, Y., H. Ota, and J. B. Iverson. 1996. Geographic variation and sexual size dimorphism in Mauremys mutica (Cantor, 1842) (Reptilia: Bataguridae), with description of a new supspecies from the southern Ryukyus, Japan. Zool. Sci. (Japan) 13: 303-317.