Pelusios williamsi


  • Bour, R. 1984a. Note sur Pelusios williamsi Laurent, 1965 (Chelonii, Pelomedusinae). Rev. fr. Aquariol. 11: 27-32.
  • Broadley, D. G. 1983. Neural pattern—a neglected taxonomic character in the genus Pelusios Wagler (Pleurodira: Pelomedusidae). In: A. G. J. Rhodin and K. Miyata (eds.). Advances in Herpetology and Evolutionary Biology, pp. 159-168. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard, Cambridge, Mass.
  • Laurent, R. F. 1965. A contribution to the knowledge of the genus Pelusios (Wagler). Ann. Mus. r. Afr. Cent. 135: 1-33.