Genus Gopherus


  • Agassiz, L. 1857. Contributions to the natural history of the United States of America, vol. 1, 2. Little, Brown and Co., Boston. 452 pp.
  • Auffenberg, W. 1976. The genus Gopherus (Testudinidae): Pt. I. Osteology and relationships of extant species. Bull. Florida St. Mus. Biol. Sci. 20: 47-110.
  • Auffenberg, W., and R. Franz. 1978a. Gopherus. Catalog. Amer. Amphib. Rept. 211: 1-2.
  • Bour, R., and A. Dubois. 1984b. Xerobates Agassiz, 1857, synonyme plus ancien de Scaptochelys Bramble, 1982 (Reptilia, Chelonii, Emydidae). Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. Lyon 53: 30-32.
  • Bramble, D. M. 1982. Scaptochelys: generic revision and evolution of gopher tortoises. Copeia.
  • Crumly, C. R. 1987. The genus name for North American gopher tortoises. Proc. Desert Tortoise Council 1984: 147-148.
  • Crumly, C. R. 1994. Phylogenetic systematics of North American tortoises (genus Gopherus): evidence for their classification. In: R. B. Bury and D. J. Germano (eds.), Biology of North American tortoises, pp. 7-32. U. S. Fish Wildl. Serv. Res. Report 13.
  • Douglass, J. F. 1975. Bibliography of the North American land tortoises (Genus Gopherus). U. S. Fish and Wildlife Serv. Spl. Sci. Rept. Wildlife (190): 1-60.
  • Douglass, J. F. 1977. Supplement to the bibliography of the North American land tortoises (Genus Gopherus). Smithsonian Herpetol. Inform. Serv. (39): 1-18.
  • Franz, R., and R. J. Bryant (eds.). 1980. The dilemma of the gopher tortoise—is there a solution. Proc. 1st Ann. Meet. Gopher Tortoise Council. 80 pp.
  • Germano, D. J. 1993. Shell morphology of North American tortoises. Amer. Midl. Natur. 129: 319-335.
  • Killebrew, F., and R. R. McKown. 1978. Mitotic chromosomes of Gopherus berlandieri and Kinixys belliana belliana (Testudines, Testudinidae). Southwest. Natur. 23: 162-164.
  • Lamb, T., J. C. Avise, and J. W. Gibbons. 1989. Phylogeographic patterns in mitochondrial DNA of the desert tortoise (Xerobates agassizi), and exolutionary relationships among the North American gopher tortoises. Evolution 43: 76-87.
  • Rafinesque, C. S. 1832. Descriptions of two new genera of soft shell turtles of North America. Atlantic J. Friend. Knowledge, Philadelphia 1: 64-65.
  • Rose, F. L., R. Drotman, and W. G. Weaver. 1969. Electrophoresis of chin gland extracts of Gopherus (tortoises). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 29: 847-851.
  • Winokur, R. M., and J. M. Legler. 1975. Chelonian mental glands. J. Morphol. 147: 275-291.
  • Woodbury, A. M. 1952. Hybrids of Gopherus berlandieri and G. agassizii. Herpetologica 8: 33-36.