Heosemys depressa

(Anderson, 1875)
Arakan forest turtle

The carapace (to 26.3 cm) is middorsally flattened, but still bears a prominent blunt keel, and is widest behind the middle. Vertebrals are broader than long, and the posterior marginals are strongly serrated. The carapace may be totally light brown or bear either black mottled streaks or a black border; the posterior rim is weakly to moderately serrated. The plastron is notched posteriorly. Its hindlobe is narrower than the length of the bridge. Both axillary and inguinal scutes are present on the bridge. The plastral formula is: abd > pect > fem > an = hum > gul. The plastron is yellow to tan with dark-brown or black blotches or radiations on each scute. The bridge is moderately long and uniformly dark brown or black. The gray to brown head is moderate in size with a slightly projecting snout. A toothlike projection occurs on either side of the medial notch on the upper jaw. Posterior dorsal head skin is divided into large scales. The iris is brown. Neck, limbs, and tail are yellow brown. Forelimbs have large, square to pointed scales on the anterior surface, partially webbed toes, and heavy claws. Hindlimbs are flattened, covered with small scales except at the heel where they are enlarged, have little webbing on the toes, and the claws are heavy.
Males have concave plastra, enlarged hindlimbs and larger, thicker tails than do females.

Habitat and Distribution
Iverson and McCord (1997a), based on habits in captivity, suggested this species prefers a wet terrestrial environment.

The species is known only from the hills in Arakan, Myanmar.

Natural History
Nothing is known about this species in the wild. Iverson and McCord (1997a) reported captives are omnivorous, feeding on bananas, strawberries, romaine lettuce, earthworms, and newborn mice.

IUCN Red List Status (1996)
Critically endangered (A2cd, B1+2c); listed as Geoemyda depressa.